• Wicks

    Hemp wicks are produced by working hemp fibers into twine and the coating them in soy. Hemp wicks are lead and zinc free and produce little to no smoke. Your candles will last longer, and the burning experience will be more pleasant. Hemp wicks are also a sustainable and renewable resource!

  • Pouring

    Hand pouring is not only a craft but also a science. We measure and weight everything from the containers to the soy and fragrances. It all has to be the right weight. Taking our time and precautions make sure the candles come out scentful and beautiful without harm to the candles or candle maker.

  • Setting

    While the whole process of candle making is important, candle setting is the most important part. This allows the soy to harden and the fragrance to be absorbed correctly to produce a beautiful and inviting candle. As the candle is made to order, we have a process of 7-10 days. There may be some flaws, but this is natural. This makes sure the candle is ready for you and won't get harmed in the shipping process.